Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Its Saturday!

Hey peeps, its Saturday! And yes, sorry for leaving you blog. And you know what Saturday means? Facebook blogging farmville watching tv  doing my homework. I have like tons of homework to do. YAY =.= You name it, I have it. Maths? English? Bahasa? Geography? I have so many homework's that if I stack it on top of each other astronauts can climb it till the moon. Okay, that may be exaggerating but you get my point right? But I'll try to my hw's ASAP so that I can blog all weekend. HEHE *grins*

One more thing, American Idol S10 is on! Yay! Although that show is kinda lapuk already but I'm excited to see the new panel of judges. Will they be a meanie like Simon? Or not. Anyway, catch AI on Star World every Thurs & Fri 6pm MAL.

Peace out, my Funkinators!

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