Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011


WARNING: non farmvillers and cityvillers may not get the point of this entry.

What day is today?? *saturday!*
And do you know what saturday means? *weekends!*
N to the O. This weekend aint fun man. You know why? Its because after sat is sun. Then after Sun is MONDAY.
Now, do you know what MOnday means?? *school =.='*
Dahla my homework not yet finish. Wait, I'm not even sure IF I have any homework. *o*  Eh, gotgot. :P KHB and SEJ. Its not like I dont wanna do it but there are temptations that are hard to resist braddah. One of it is THIS. Yes, this blog. My typical day starts at 8/9/10 am (times may vary) and the first thing I do is to switch on the laptop. Well, just to check on my farmville (level 100 teehee!). Then I see my requests-I get a lot of em- Then I accept gifts. Then I use them. Then I harvest. Then I make my goods. After all that farmvilling, I thought to myself, "while youre at it, why not just check my cityville (level 58 teehee!)" Then I cityville and cityville and cityville. Before you know it.....
after realizing that 50% of the day is wasted, I take my bath and have breakfast/lunch. Then, I blog(depends on mood). Then I sleep. Then I wake up
Then saya makan and mandi manda and tengok tv. Before you know it,
See, mana sempat want to do my homework. By 10pm all by brain juices are drained. Then I tidur. That's what I do for the past week.


picture has nothing to do with anything. just to remind you how sweet these sweets are. APAKA? -.-'

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Pray For Japan :')

Hi guys. Sorry for not updating for like ages. Hehe. Why? Lazyy laa.. Actually, bukan susah nak buat post. But lately I've been so busy with stuffs. Especially school.. >< UGH

*Aigoo, menyimpang suda.

The reason why I'm writing you this post is I'm asking all of you (YES, YOU) to pray for Japan. As you all know, last Friday Japan suffered an earthquake and tsunami. Now poor innocent Jap's(?) have no place to stay and no food/water. Now they're at risk of something WORSE.


Now I'm no nuclear physics professor to know that nuclear radiation aint good for 'ya. The reactors at fukushima plant are dangerously overheating and this causes aint-good-for-human radiation. Now people are franticly trying to pour seawater over the reactors.
So, pray for Japan. If you have some cash, donate. Its a 'perbuatan yang mulia' if you do so. Donate to people who are in need. One day they might do so if we're in need. Help others as they will help you. :)

p/s: im not sure if buying a toyota counts as donating.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

A girl full of dream.: Big Time Rush.

A girl full of dream.: Big Time Rush.: "Hello once again peeps! Did I ever told you that BTR (Big Time Rush) is awesome? Or have you see that in the TV's? If haven't, you have to s..."